From the Vault; sponsored by Capstan Cigarettes

Last Update June 9, 2024
Contact the General Secretary with any updates.

Ultra keen observers will notice that not all MUWFC (Est. 1996) names are in the year by year table. You are invited to contact the General Secretary to advise details!

A - E

Bernard (Bernie) Angel (Blues);
Bridget Barker (MUWFC); Neil Barker (MUWFC); George Bearham (Blacks); Charles Beaton (Blacks); Lachlan Beaton (Blacks); Frank Benjamin (Blues); Ross Booth* (Blacks); Peter Brukner, OAM (Blues / Blacks / MUFC); David Buckley (Blues);
Leah (Lou) Caluzzi (MUWFC); Richard (Rick) Cameron (Blues); Nicholas (Nick) Carah (Blacks); John Carmody (Blues / Blacks / MUFC); Steven Carroll (Blues); Wayne Carroll (Blues); Steven Cerni (Blacks); George Champion deCrespigny (Blues); Barry Church (Blues); John (Jack) Clancy* (Blacks / Blues / MUFC); John (Jack) Clarke (Blacks); Michael Commadeur (Blacks); Stephen Commadeur (Blacks); Andrew Coker (Blacks); Anthony (Tony) Costello (Blacks / Blues / MUFC); Brian Costello* (Blacks); Simon ("Harry") Costello (Blacks / Blues / MUFC); Ern ("Ernie") Cropley* (MUFC);
Andrew Donald (Blacks / Blues / MUFC); Patrick Dillon (Blacks); Leon Doyle (Blacks);
Jess Egan (MUWFC).

F - L

David Foster (Blues); Kate Francis (MUWFC);
Erini Gianakopoulos (MUWFC); James (Jim) Gilchrist (Blues); Timothy Giles (Blues); Robert (Bob) Girdwood (Blues / Blacks MUFC); Thomas (Tom) Girdwood (Blues); Quinton Gleeson (Blues); Justin Gray (Blacks); Terence (Terry) Greaney (Reds); Penelope Green (MUWFC);
Roderick (Rod) Hager (Blues); Robert Hanna (Blacks); Frank Henagan* (Blues); Andrew Hendy (Reds); Peter Hille (Reds); Charles Hosking (Reds); Thomas (Tom) Hutchins (Blues); Warwick Hutchins (Blues);
Robert Irwin (Blacks);
Justin Jamieson (Blues); Andrew Jesse (Blacks); TA (Alex) Johnson*, OAM (Blacks / Blues / MUFC); Graeme Johnson, OAM (Blacks);
Laura Kane (MUWFC); John Kanis (Blues); Peter Keogh (Blacks); Chyloe Kurdas (MUWFC);
Mark Lockie (Blacks / Blues / MUFC); Stephen Longley (Blues); Andrew Lowcock (Blues).

M - R

Bede Mahon (Blacks); Marcus (Marc) Marsden* (Reds / Blacks / Blues / MUFC); Donald MacInnes (Blues); Damian McAloon (Blues); Bronwyn McGorlick (MUWFC); Anthony (Tony) McInerney* (Blues); Gillon McLachlan (Blues); Edward (Ted) McNamara* (Blues); Norma McNamara* (Blues); John (Jack) McRae* (Blues); Stephen Meade (Blues); Ian Munro (Blues / Blacks / MUFC)* Scott Myers (Blacks); Sidney (Sid) Myers (Blues);
Peter O'Donohue* (Blacks);
Ross Perrett (Blacks); David Phefley (Blues); Lucinda Puls (MUWFC);
Christopher (Chris) Reid (Blues); Timothy (Tim) Rourke (Blues);
Justin Quill (Blues);
Michael Robin (Blues).

S - Z

Alan Salter* (Blues); Yvonne Salter (Blues); Raymond (Ray) Scanlon (Blues); Peter Schauble* (Blues); Peter ("Pedro") Selleck (Blacks / Blues / Reds / MUFC); Henry (Harry) Sharpe* (Reds); Colin Shaw* (Blacks); Loretta Sist (Blacks / Blues / MUFC); Andrew (Andy) Smith* (Blacks / Blues / MUFC); Timothy (Tim) Standish (Blues); Joseph ("Joey") Sturrock (Blues);
Michael Thomas (Blues); Timothy (Tim) Thomas* (Blacks); Craig Thompson (Blacks); Matthew (Matt) Torney (Blues); Mark Tyquin (Blues);
Luke Van Lempen (Blacks);
Bruce Warren (Blacks); Gerald (Gerry) Westmore (Blues); Grant ("Treeo") Williams (Blues); Raymond (Ray) Wilson (Blacks); Gary Wines (Blacks).

Year Recipient Recipient Recipient Recipient
1970 M.A.H. Marsden*
1971 No Recipients
1972 I.H. Munro*
1973 J.D. Clancy* E. Cropley*
1974 C.J. Shaw*
1975 B.G. Church
1976 G.A.R. Johnson T.A. Johnson* T.J. Standish
1977 A.J. Costello F.P. Henegan*
1978 R.E. Cameron H.B. Sharpe*
1979 P.D. Brukner P.H. Selleck
1980 R.G. Hager A.M. Smith*
1981 T.M. Greaney R.M. Perrett
1982 J.A. Clarke M.J. Lockie E.C. McNamara*
1983 S.A. Costello R. Irwin
1984 J.P. O'Donohue* M.A. Tyquin
1985 A. Hendy
1986 D.R. Booth P.D. Schauble*
1987 R.W. Girdwood L.M. Sist
1988 P.R. Hille C.K.P. Hosking
1989 P.M. Dillon A.H. Salter*
1990 L. Doyle
1991 J.R. Gray N. McNamara*
1992 W.J. Carroll A.J. Coker
1993 B.F. Angel
1994 D. Foster D.J. MacInnes
1995 D. Buckley J.A. McRae*
1996 S. Carroll M. Robin
1997 N. Carah Y. Salter
1998 G. Bearham G. Williams
1999 J.A. Gilchrist
2000 S.G. Longley
2001 W.B. Hutchins C.A. Thompson
2002 R.J. Hanna J.C. Kanis
2003 G.A. McLachlan R.I. Wilson
2004 No Recipients
2005 L.G. Doyle T.A. Hutchins M.A. Thomas G.J. Wines
2006 A.J. McInerney* T.H. Thomas*
2007 S.G. Meade B.C. Warren
2008 A.M. Donald T.A. Giles
2009 L.A. Beaton G.P. Champion deCrespigny
2010 C.D. Beaton D.F. McAloon
2011 S. Cerni J. Sturrock
2012 A. Lowcock
2013 A. Jesse G.A. Westmore
2014 J.F. Carmody M. Commadeur / S. Commadeur K. Francis J. Jamieson
2015 C.J. Reid
2016 N. Barker T.Girdwood L. Van Kempen
2017 B. Barker Q. Gleeson L. Kane S. Myers / J Quill
2018 P. Keogh
2019 D.E. Phefley
2020 No Recipients
2021 M. Torney
2022 F. Benjamin / L. Caluzzi E. Gianakopoulos B. Mahon / T Rourke R. Scanlan


In some or all capacities true excellence has been demonstrated as a player, official and supporter of University Blacks, University Blues, University Reds (1955 to 1997; now incorporated into Fitzroy; founded by Marc Marsden), Melbourne University Women's Football Club or some or all of these teams and / or to the Melbourne University Football Club as a whole.
First: Marc Marsden* (Reds / MUFC).
At youngest Age (25): Peter Selleck (Blacks / Blues / Reds / = MUFC).
At oldest Age (70+): Colin Shaw* (Blacks).
Life Members - VAFA: Ross Booth* (Blacks); Dr. Brian Costello* (Blacks); Dr. Simon Costello (Blacks); Alex Johnson* (Blacks); John Kanis (Blues); Alf Keam* (Blacks); Ian Munro* (Blues / MUFC); Peter O'Donohue* (Blacks).
VAFA - Big V Legends: Ian Cordner (Blacks); Simon Costello (Blacks); Jim Peters* (Blacks).
VAFA - Big V Champions: Ian Cordner (Blacks); Ian Galbraith* (Blacks); Duncan Anderson* (Blues); Nick Burne (Blacks); Michael Yeo (Blues).

* indicates deceased.